Sales Contract

  1. Parties Seller: Company Name: Ensari Tourism Address: [Seller Address] Email: [Seller Email Address] Phone: [Seller Phone Number]

    Buyer: Name and Surname: [Buyer Name and Surname] Address: [Buyer Address] Email: [Buyer Email Address] Phone: [Buyer Phone Number]

  2. Subject This contract is made to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the sale and delivery of tourism services offered by Ensari Tourism.

  3. Service Description The Seller will provide the following services to the Buyer:

    Tour packages, health tourism services, accommodation, transportation, guided tours, and other related travel services.

  4. Contract Price and Payment The service fee is [Service Fee] TL and payment will be made as follows:

    [Payment Method: Cash, Credit Card, Bank Transfer, etc.] [Payment Dates and Conditions]

  5. Service Delivery The Seller will deliver the service to the Buyer within [Delivery Period] from the contract date. The dates of service commencement and completion will be determined by the parties.

  6. Right of Withdrawal and Cancellation Conditions The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the contract date without stating any reasons and without paying any penalty. In case of withdrawal, the Buyer must notify the Seller in writing.

    Conditions applicable in case of cancellation:

    [Cancellation Terms and Refund Conditions]

  7. Rights and Obligations of the Parties Seller:

    • Is obligated to provide the services in accordance with the specified quality and conditions in the contract.
    • Is responsible for the complete and timely delivery of the services.


    • Is obligated to pay the contract price in accordance with the specified payment conditions.
    • Must comply with the specified rules and legal regulations while benefiting from the services.
  8. Confidentiality and Security The parties undertake not to share each other's confidential information with third parties during and after the contract period.

  9. Dispute Resolution Any disputes between the parties shall first be resolved through negotiation. In case of disagreement, the courts and enforcement offices of [City Name] shall have jurisdiction.

  10. Effectiveness This contract enters into force on the date signed by the parties and encompasses the rights and obligations of both parties.

  11. Signature Seller: Ensari Tourism [Authorized Person's Name and Surname] [Signature]

    Buyer: [Buyer's Name and Surname] [Signature]

    This contract has been signed by the parties on [Date] and is prepared in duplicate, each party retaining one copy.

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